Nipple territory

Mix media -Moving sculpture

Glass Breast with FARRRA experience

Digital Photo

Pulling my strings

Mix media- Moving sculpture

It started with some personal conflict of how to expresses the hypersexualization of Latin American women in the best way. After a long period of thought, I found an amazing metaphor which is the female breast. The female breast is a part of the body that has been so sexualized, that in some cultures breastfeeding is not possible in public spaces or has a negative connotation. Another good example is the female nipple which is frequently censored in social media, while the male nipple is allowed. These are a result of a historic dominance of the female body from the male gaze. As a response, I created a glass breast sculpture, which I hope it represents the fragility of social constructions of female identity that are exclusively based on the separation of the female body into separate ‘parts’.

Great Britain consists of a combination of medieval iconography with contemporary situations, its main purpose is to question if nowadays the UK has remained in a medieval state, especially for female bodies. It consists of 3 parts:

Sky (head): is the idealization of it, pure magic with a more classical perspective but you start to notice that there is the blood of a lamb that might be caused by these beautiful angles.

Garden (body): it is the elegance of all these royal gardens, it is the modification of lands scape to prove an status quo, but when you look closer you notice that the garden is full of monsters that have to mutilate other cultures and humans to create that.

Hell (shadow): it is the materialization of a shadow, of darkness and the unseen, is the place where there is not idealization or elegance, in hell, you can see things the way they are. It is the truth of a colonial present that is alive. It is grotesque and scary some scenes of power-sucking and oppressing others, truly how things might have not changed from a medieval time.

Fragmented Body


Blown glass and metal stand

I don’t twerk for you motherfucker

Mix media installation and moving sculpture.

This piece starts when I begin to analyze the female breast as a metaphor for sexualization. The censorship in social media that happens to a female body and some specific types of body based on their nipples. So, I start to wonder how this algorithm works, how it dialogs with the different bodies that it is exposed and how it creates a kind of wearable identity. This sculpture wants to highlight that shape of territory or map that can be navigate a female of male landscape.

 Glass Breast


Blown glass and metal support

FARRRA #3  The Sculpture

Series of 7 Mix Media pieces

Great Britain

Digital painting on silk with metal infrastructure.


This project comes from the understanding of my own identity, I am white blonde, light eyed Colombian woman. All my life people have questioned my identity but it was in this period of time when I started to question it myself and I began to notice that my body language was the only thing that really depicted me as Colombian women under a lot of stereotypes. In parties and with a lot of different experiences I strongly felt how the UK male gaze felt that I was dancing or twerking for them and it is NOT. The expression of my body is for myself, is with my friends and do not involve any sexual declaration, contemplation, or touching of others. As a result, this twerking machine sculpture was built, and it would continue dancing until all those colonization male dogmas have fallen.